tail -f
in perl?
clobber protected files? Isn't this a bug in Perl?
or write()
in Perl, you go though this buffering. syswrite()
circumvents stdio and buffering.
In most stdio implementations, the type of buffering and the size of the buffer varies according to the type of device. Disk files are block buffered, often with a buffer size of more than 2k. Pipes and sockets are often buffered with a buffer size between 1/2 and 2k. Serial devices (e.g. modems, terminals) are normally line-buffered, and stdio sends the entire line when it gets the newline.
Perl does not support truly unbuffered output (except insofar as you can
syswrite(OUT, $char, 1)
). What it does instead support is ``command buffering'', in which a
physical write is performed after every output command. This isn't as hard
on your system as unbuffering, but does get the output where you want it
when you want it.
If you expect characters to get to your device when you print them there, you'll want to autoflush its handle, as in the older:
use FileHandle; open(DEV, "<+/dev/tty"); # ceci n'est pas une pipe DEV->autoflush(1);
or the newer IO::* modules:
use IO::Handle; open(DEV, ">/dev/printer"); # but is this? DEV->autoflush(1);
or even this:
use IO::Socket; # this one is kinda a pipe? $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => 'www.perl.com', PeerPort => 'http(80)', Proto => 'tcp'); die "$!" unless $sock;
$sock->autoflush(); $sock->print("GET /\015\012"); $document = join('', $sock->getlines()); print "DOC IS: $document\n";
Note the hardcoded carriage return and newline in their octal equivalents. This is the ONLY way (currently) to assure a proper flush on all platforms, including Macintosh.
You can use select()
and the $|
variable to control autoflushing (see $| and select):
$oldh = select(DEV); $| = 1; select($oldh);
You'll also see code that does this without a temporary variable, as in
select((select(DEV), $| = 1)[0]);
(There are exceptions in special circumstances. Replacing a sequence of
bytes with another sequence of the same length is one. Another is using the $DB_RECNO
array bindings as documented in the DB_File manpage. Yet another is manipulating files with all lines the same length.)
The general solution is to create a temporary copy of the text file with the changes you want, then copy that over the original.
$old = $file; $new = "$file.tmp.$$"; $bak = "$file.bak";
open(OLD, "< $old") or die "can't open $old: $!"; open(NEW, "> $new") or die "can't open $new: $!";
# Correct typos, preserving case while (<OLD>) { s/\b(p)earl\b/${1}erl/i; (print NEW $_) or die "can't write to $new: $!"; }
close(OLD) or die "can't close $old: $!"; close(NEW) or die "can't close $new: $!";
rename($old, $bak) or die "can't rename $old to $bak: $!"; rename($new, $old) or die "can't rename $new to $old: $!";
Perl can do this sort of thing for you automatically with the -i
command-line switch or the closely-related $^I
variable (see
the perlrun manpage for more details). Note that
may require a suffix on some non-Unix systems; see the platform-specific
documentation that came with your port.
# Renumber a series of tests from the command line perl -pi -e 's/(^\s+test\s+)\d+/ $1 . ++$count /e' t/op/taint.t
# form a script local($^I, @ARGV) = ('.bak', glob("*.c")); while (<>) { if ($. == 1) { print "This line should appear at the top of each file\n"; } s/\b(p)earl\b/${1}erl/i; # Correct typos, preserving case print; close ARGV if eof; # Reset $. }
If you need to seek to an arbitrary line of a file that changes infrequently, you could build up an index of byte positions of where the line ends are in the file. If the file is large, an index of every tenth or hundredth line end would allow you to seek and read fairly efficiently. If the file is sorted, try the look.pl library (part of the standard perl distribution).
In the unique case of deleting lines at the end of a file, you can use
and truncate().
The following code snippet
deletes the last line of a file without making a copy or reading the whole
file into memory:
open (FH, "+< $file"); while ( <FH> ) { $addr = tell(FH) unless eof(FH) } truncate(FH, $addr);
Error checking is left as an exercise for the reader.
$lines = 0; open(FILE, $filename) or die "Can't open `$filename': $!"; while (sysread FILE, $buffer, 4096) { $lines += ($buffer =~ tr/\n//); } close FILE;
BEGIN { use IO::File; use Fcntl; my $temp_dir = -d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP}; my $base_name = sprintf("%s/%d-%d-0000", $temp_dir, $$, time()); sub temp_file { my $fh = undef; my $count = 0; until (defined($fh) || $count > 100) { $base_name =~ s/-(\d+)$/"-" . (1 + $1)/e; $fh = IO::File->new($base_name, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT, 0644) } if (defined($fh)) { return ($fh, $base_name); } else { return (); } } }
Or you could simply use IO::Handle::new_tmpfile.
This is faster than using substr().
Here is a sample chunk of code to break up and put back together again some
fixed-format input lines, in this case from the output of a normal,
Berkeley-style ps:
# sample input line: # 15158 p5 T 0:00 perl /home/tchrist/scripts/now-what $PS_T = 'A6 A4 A7 A5 A*'; open(PS, "ps|"); $_ = <PS>; print; while (<PS>) { ($pid, $tt, $stat, $time, $command) = unpack($PS_T, $_); for $var (qw!pid tt stat time command!) { print "$var: <$$var>\n"; } print 'line=', pack($PS_T, $pid, $tt, $stat, $time, $command), "\n"; }
But while still supported, that isn't the best to go about getting local
filehandles. Typeglobs have their drawbacks. You may well want to use the FileHandle
module, which creates new filehandles for you (see the FileHandle manpage):
use FileHandle; sub findme { my $fh = FileHandle->new(); open($fh, "</etc/hosts") or die "no /etc/hosts: $!"; while (<$fh>) { print if /\b127\.(0\.0\.)?1\b/; } # $fh automatically closes/disappears here }
Internally, Perl believes filehandles to be of class IO::Handle. You may use that module directly if you'd like (see Handle), or one of its more specific derived classes.
Once you have IO::File or FileHandle objects, you can pass them between subroutines or store them in hashes as you would any other scalar values:
use FileHandle;
# Storing filehandles in a hash and array foreach $filename (@names) { my $fh = new FileHandle($filename) or die; $file{$filename} = $fh; push(@files, $fh); }
# Using the filehandles in the array foreach $file (@files) { print $file "Testing\n"; }
# You have to do the { } ugliness when you're specifying the # filehandle by anything other than a simple scalar variable. print { $files[2] } "Testing\n";
# Passing filehandles to subroutines sub debug { my $filehandle = shift; printf $filehandle "DEBUG: ", @_; }
debug($fh, "Testing\n");
sub commify { local $_ = shift; 1 while s/^(-?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/; return $_; }
$n = 23659019423.2331; print "GOT: ", commify($n), "\n";
GOT: 23,659,019,423.2331
You can't just:
because you have to put the comma in and then recalculate your position.
Alternatively, this commifies all numbers in a line regardless of whether they have decimal portions, are preceded by + or -, or whatever:
# from Andrew Johnson <ajohnson@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> sub commify { my $input = shift; $input = reverse $input; $input =~ s<(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)><$1,>g; return reverse $input; }
Within Perl, you may use this directly:
$filename =~ s{ ^ ~ # find a leading tilde ( # save this in $1 [^/] # a non-slash character * # repeated 0 or more times (0 means me) ) }{ $1 ? (getpwnam($1))[7] : ( $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} ) }ex;
open(FH, "+> /path/name"); # WRONG
Whoops. You should instead use this, which will fail if the file doesn't exist.
open(FH, "+< /path/name"); # open for update
If this is an issue, try:
sysopen(FH, "/path/name", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644);
Error checking is left as an exercise for the reader.
operator performs a globbing operation (see above). By default
forks csh(1)
to do the actual glob
expansion, but csh can't handle more than 127 items and so gives the error
Argument list too long
. People who installed tcsh as csh won't have this problem, but their users
may be surprised by it.
To get around this, either do the glob yourself with Dirhandle
s and patterns, or use a module like Glob::KGlob, one that doesn't use the
shell to do globbing.
function or its angle-bracket alias in a scalar
context, you may cause a leak and/or unpredictable behavior. It's best
therefore to use glob()
only in list context.
sub safe_filename { local $_ = shift; return m#^/# ? "$_\0" : "./$_\0"; }
$fn = safe_filename("<<<something really wicked "); open(FH, "> $fn") or "couldn't open $fn: $!";
You could also use the sysopen()
function (see sysopen).
function. But that
may not work everywhere, in particular, renaming files across file systems.
If your operating system supports a mv(1)
program or its moral
equivalent, this works:
rename($old, $new) or system("mv", $old, $new);
It may be more compelling to use the File::Copy module instead. You just
copy to the new file to the new name (checking return values), then delete
the old one. This isn't really the same semantics as a real
though, which preserves metainformation like
permissions, timestamps, inode info, etc.
function (see the perlfunc manpage for details) will call flock(2)
if that exists,
if it doesn't (on perl version 5.004 and later), and
if neither of the two previous system calls exists.
On some systems, it may even use a different form of native locking. Here
are some gotchas with Perl's flock():
does not provide shared locking, and requires that
the filehandle be open for writing (or appending, or read/writing).
can't lock files over a network (e.g. on
NFS file systems), so you'd need to force the use of fcntl(2)
when you build Perl. See the flock entry of
the perlfunc manpage, and the INSTALL
file in the source distribution for information on building Perl to do
can't lock network files.
sleep(3) while -e "file.lock"; # PLEASE DO NOT USE open(LCK, "> file.lock"); # THIS BROKEN CODE
This is a classic race condition: you take two steps to do something which must be done in one. That's why computer hardware provides an atomic test-and-set instruction. In theory, this ``ought'' to work:
sysopen(FH, "file.lock", O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT, 0644) or die "can't open file.lock: $!":
except that lamentably, file creation (and deletion) is not atomic over
NFS, so this won't work (at least, not every time)
over the net. Various schemes involving involving link()
been suggested, but these tend to involve busy-wait, which is also
Anyway, this is what to do:
use Fcntl; sysopen(FH, "numfile", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644) or die "can't open numfile: $!"; flock(FH, 2) or die "can't flock numfile: $!"; $num = <FH> || 0; seek(FH, 0, 0) or die "can't rewind numfile: $!"; truncate(FH, 0) or die "can't truncate numfile: $!"; (print FH $num+1, "\n") or die "can't write numfile: $!"; # DO NOT UNLOCK THIS UNTIL YOU CLOSE close FH or die "can't close numfile: $!";
Here's a much better web-page hit counter:
$hits = int( (time() - 850_000_000) / rand(1_000) );
If the count doesn't impress your friends, then the code might. :-)
perl -i -pe 's{window manager}{window mangler}g' /usr/bin/emacs
However, if you have fixed sized records, then you might do something more like this:
$RECSIZE = 220; # size of record, in bytes $recno = 37; # which record to update open(FH, "+<somewhere") || die "can't update somewhere: $!"; seek(FH, $recno * $RECSIZE, 0); read(FH, $record, $RECSIZE) == $RECSIZE || die "can't read record $recno: $!"; # munge the record seek(FH, $recno * $RECSIZE, 0); print FH $record; close FH;
Locking and error checking are left as an exercise for the reader. Don't forget them, or you'll be quite sorry.
Don't forget to set binmode()
under DOS-like platforms when
operating on files that have anything other than straight text in them. See
the docs on open()
and on binmode()
for more
or POSIX::strftime() to
convert this into human-readable form.
Here's an example:
$write_secs = (stat($file))[9]; print "file $file updated at ", scalar(localtime($file)), "\n";
If you prefer something more legible, use the File::stat module (part of the standard distribution in version 5.004 and later):
use File::stat; use Time::localtime; $date_string = ctime(stat($file)->mtime); print "file $file updated at $date_string\n";
Error checking is left as an exercise for the reader.
function documented in utime. By way of example, here's a little program that copies the read and write
times from its first argument to all the rest of them.
if (@ARGV < 2) { die "usage: cptimes timestamp_file other_files ...\n"; } $timestamp = shift; ($atime, $mtime) = (stat($timestamp))[8,9]; utime $atime, $mtime, @ARGV;
Error checking is left as an exercise for the reader.
Note that utime()
currently doesn't work correctly with Win95/NT ports.
A bug has been reported. Check it carefully before using it on those platforms.
for $fh (FH1, FH2, FH3) { print $fh "whatever\n" }
To connect up to one filehandle to several output filehandles, it's easiest
to use the tee(1)
program if you have it, and let it take care
of the multiplexing:
open (FH, "| tee file1 file2 file3");
Otherwise you'll have to write your own multiplexing print function -- or your own tee program -- or use Tom Christiansen's, at http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/TOMC/scripts/tct.gz, which is written in Perl.
In theory a IO::Tee class could be written, but to date we haven't seen such.
variable (see the perlvar manpage for details). You can either set it to ""
to eliminate empty paragraphs ("abc\n\n\n\ndef"
, for instance, gets treated as two paragraphs and not three), or
to accept empty paragraphs.
function for most filehandles, but it won't (easily) work on a terminal device. For
STDIN, either use the Term::ReadKey module from
CPAN, or use the sample code in
If your system supports POSIX, you can use the following code, which you'll note turns off echo processing as well.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; $| = 1; for (1..4) { my $got; print "gimme: "; $got = getone(); print "--> $got\n"; } exit;
BEGIN { use POSIX qw(:termios_h);
my ($term, $oterm, $echo, $noecho, $fd_stdin);
$fd_stdin = fileno(STDIN);
$term = POSIX::Termios->new(); $term->getattr($fd_stdin); $oterm = $term->getlflag();
$echo = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON; $noecho = $oterm & ~$echo;
sub cbreak { $term->setlflag($noecho); $term->setcc(VTIME, 1); $term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW); }
sub cooked { $term->setlflag($oterm); $term->setcc(VTIME, 0); $term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW); }
sub getone { my $key = ''; cbreak(); sysread(STDIN, $key, 1); cooked(); return $key; }
END { cooked() }
The Term::ReadKey module from CPAN may be easier to use:
use Term::ReadKey; open(TTY, "</dev/tty"); print "Gimme a char: "; ReadMode "raw"; $key = ReadKey 0, *TTY; ReadMode "normal"; printf "\nYou said %s, char number %03d\n", $key, ord $key;
For DOS systems, Dan Carson <dbc@tc.fluke.COM> reports the following:
To put the PC in ``raw'' mode, use ioctl with some magic numbers gleaned from msdos.c (Perl source file) and Ralf Brown's interrupt list (comes across the net every so often):
$old_ioctl = ioctl(STDIN,0,0); # Gets device info $old_ioctl &= 0xff; ioctl(STDIN,1,$old_ioctl | 32); # Writes it back, setting bit 5
Then to read a single character:
sysread(STDIN,$c,1); # Read a single character
And to put the PC back to ``cooked'' mode:
ioctl(STDIN,1,$old_ioctl); # Sets it back to cooked mode.
So now you have $c. If ord($c) == 0
, you have a two byte code, which means you hit a special key. Read another
byte with sysread(STDIN,$c,1)
, and that value tells you what combination it was according to this table:
# PC 2-byte keycodes = ^@ + the following:
# HEX KEYS # --- ---- # 0F SHF TAB # 10-19 ALT QWERTYUIOP # 1E-26 ALT ASDFGHJKL # 2C-32 ALT ZXCVBNM # 3B-44 F1-F10 # 47-49 HOME,UP,PgUp # 4B LEFT # 4D RIGHT # 4F-53 END,DOWN,PgDn,Ins,Del # 54-5D SHF F1-F10 # 5E-67 CTR F1-F10 # 68-71 ALT F1-F10 # 73-77 CTR LEFT,RIGHT,END,PgDn,HOME # 78-83 ALT 1234567890-= # 84 CTR PgUp
This is all trial and error I did a long time ago, I hope I'm reading the file that worked.
sub key_ready { my($rin, $nfd); vec($rin, fileno(STDIN), 1) = 1; return $nfd = select($rin,undef,undef,0); }
You should look into getting the Term::ReadKey extension from CPAN.
use Fcntl; sysopen(FH, "/tmp/somefile", O_WRONLY|O_NDELAY|O_CREAT, 0644) or die "can't open /tmp/somefile: $!":
use Fcntl; sysopen(FH, "/tmp/somefile", O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT, 0644) or die "can't open /tmp/somefile: $!":
Be warned that neither creation nor deletion of files is guaranteed to be an atomic operation over NFS. That is, two processes might both successful create or unlink the same file!
tail -f
in perl?
seek(GWFILE, 0, 1);
The statement seek(GWFILE, 0, 1)
doesn't change the current position, but it does clear the end-of-file condition on the handle, so that the next
<GWFILE> makes Perl try again to read something.
If that doesn't work (it relies on features of your stdio implementation), then you need something more like this:
for (;;) { for ($curpos = tell(GWFILE); <GWFILE>; $curpos = tell(GWFILE)) { # search for some stuff and put it into files } # sleep for a while seek(GWFILE, $curpos, 0); # seek to where we had been }
If this still doesn't work, look into the
POSIX module.
POSIX defines the clearerr()
method, which can remove the end of file condition on a filehandle. The method: read until end of file, clearerr(),
read some more. Lather, rinse, repeat.
should do
the trick. For example:
open(LOG, ">>/tmp/logfile"); open(STDERR, ">&LOG");
Or even with a literal numeric descriptor:
$fd = $ENV{MHCONTEXTFD}; open(MHCONTEXT, "<&=$fd"); # like fdopen(3S)
Error checking has been left as an exercise for the reader.
function is to be used for things that Perl opened itself, even if it was a dup of a numeric descriptor, as with
MHCONTEXT above. But if you really have to, you may be able to do this:
require 'sys/syscall.ph'; $rc = syscall(&SYS_close, $fd + 0); # must force numeric die "can't sysclose $fd: $!" unless $rc == -1;
Either single-quote your strings, or (preferably) use forward slashes. Since all
DOS and Windows versions since something like
MS-DOS 2.0 or so have treated
and \
the same in a path, you might as well use the one that doesn't clash with Perl -- or the
POSIX shell,
C and
C++, awk, Tcl, Java, or Python, just to mention a few.
to get all (non-hidden) files.
clobber protected files? Isn't this a bug in Perl?
The executive summary: learn how your filesystem works. The permissions on a file say what can happen to the data in that file. The permissions on a directory say what can happen to the list of files in that directory. If you delete a file, you're removing its name from the directory (so the operation depends on the permissions of the directory, not of the file). If you try to write to the file, the permissions of the file govern whether you're allowed to.
srand; rand($.) < 1 && ($line = $_) while <>;
This has a significant advantage in space over reading the whole file in.