Chinese X Window System Release 0.5 for XFree 86
This is a patch against XFreee86 3.3.2. Feature:
1. Map any chinese character in an ISO font to a chinese font. Wertern
   application can support chinese without any modification.
2. constant width font alignment.
3. Chinese TTF support, both western, GB, BIG5, native/unicode font.
4. Automatic reload config file and rebuild font table.
5. Automatic search available font if no configured font available.
5. Scale TTF font for better match.

Installation Guide:
I. Install Chinese Font
1. Matrix font intall.
   Download the chinese fonts and install it properly. The default fonts
   used is sun-song for GB, taipei15/16/k20/k24 for BIG5 system. These
   fonts can be download from
     /pub/chinese/GB/fonts/sun-song/ sun-song GB font
     /pub/chinses/GB/fonts/gb4big5/ BIG5 font but display GB character
   Add "xset +fp <fontdir>" to your /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.
   If you want to merge these fonts or other fonts into one directory,
   first merge the fonts.alias if available, the run mkfontdir under the
   new directory.

2. TTF font install.
   Download "ttmkfdir", copy any TTF to server, run "ttmkfdir > fonts.scale",
   then run mkfontdir, add it to fontpath. If you want to complie the
   ttmkfdir source, first download and install freetype-1.1.tar.gz, the
   rebuild the ttmkfdir-zh.tar.gz.

II. Install Xserver
   First, you must install and config XFree86-3.3.2 properly. Then download
   the proper X server you used, replace the one under your /usr/X11R6/bin/.
   Then create the /etc/X11/ChineseConfig, the format is:
    CodingSystem [GB/GB12345/BIG5]
 Font [size/width] fontname
 Scale [Yes|No|Auto] fontname
   All font name can contain "*","?" wild card. all lines beginning with
   '#', ';' treat as comment.

III. Compile source by yourself
1. Compiling X server.
   If you want to compile the servers by yourself, first you must Download
   the X332servonly.tgz, and apply the jumbo patch. Then type "make World"
   under the "xc" directory. Be sure xc/config/cf/site.def has "HasServerLocale"
   defined, if you remove it, also removed the CXWIN support. If you already
   execute "Make World", after apply this patch, you must re-make the World.
   You needn't freetype-1.1 or xfsft-1.0.2 for compiling Xserver or font
   server, it already included in the jumbo patch.

2. Compiling font server
   If you use TTF font server support, you must compile whole XFree86 source
   instead just the server only code. Allthough fontserver seems a good
   idea, but we suggest you only use it for western font. Chinese font have
   large amount characters, should use by Xserver's on-demand reasterise
   feature, instead load it all in font server and transfer it.

3. Compiling ttmkfdir
   You need install freetype-1.1 first. Then download ttmkfdir-zh.tar.gz,
   extract and "make", that's all. You the default "Makefile" don't meet
   your environment, you must change it by yourself.

1. Any applications didn't support double byte charset may not work! Because
   these applications calculate the character width locally or per byte.
   Although the chinese may work under normal xterm, Netscape, vi... but we
   still seggest you installing cxterm or cvi, set Netscape charset to GB.
2. Some broken font may crash Xserver and ttmkfdir.
3. "Scale Auto" very slow if too many scalable font installed. Please configure
   enough matrix font for normal use, and few TTF font for backup:
 Font *song-medium*
        Scale *simsun*

TODO and wish list:
1. Chinese Input Extension.
2. TTF font smooth.

June 17 1998
 Fix XDrawText with multiple string, which cause incompatible
 with StarOffice.

November 2 1998
 Fix a dead loop problem.
 Constant width font align correctly.

Movember 16 1998
 Chinese TTF font support.
 Dynamic rebuild font table and reload config file.

 freetype-1.1 David Turner
 xfsft-1.0.2 Juliusz Chroboczek
 ttmkfdir  Joerg Pommnitz
You can report any relate problem to these authurs.

Any problem, bugs, suggestion, send to Samuel Leo <>,
or UpLoad to and let me know.

Thanks to:
Shi Junren <>
