Huang Liang wrote:

> i want to install the red-hat 5.0 (download from
> i put the "rpms" and "base" dir in a win98 disk(hda1) c:\
> but when i finish fdisk (the second hd),
> i mount the win98 disk as "/setup"
> and the second hd's linux native(hdb1) as "/"
> but setup program don't check the hda1,
> so....
> how to?
> any answer welcome

I think your directory tree structure is incorrect if you use the standard
Redhat installation program.

Don't modify the directory structure please. For details please check the
source cade of the install program which is in the following directories:


What I think is that the distribution directory must have a directory
called "REDHAT" and "RPMS" and "base" directories should be under
the "REDHAT" directory. The names are _case sensitive_!

As to my knowledge, linux mount will think the vfat to be msdos
unless you explicitly told it is a vfat insteadof msdos. So I'm not sure
if you can install from a vfat partition because the filenames have
8.3 and Capital/lower_case problems if it mountd as msdos fat.

Sigh, All problems are created by the Microsoft!

If you have enough disk space, just make an ext2 partition and holds all
distribution files there and install from there. It will be no problems.

After you answered the first few questions to the Redhat installation
floppies (after the second one is mouted) you can switch to <F2>
console. Then, you do,

for your first hard disk,

cd /dev
mknod hda b 3 0
mknod hda1 b 3 1
mknod hda16 b 3 16

for your second hard disk,

mknod hdb b 3 64
mknod hdb1 b 3 65
mknod hdb16 b 3 80

for your third hard disk,

mknod hdc b 22 0

for your fourth hard disk,

mknod hdd b 22 64

OK, you don't need to make them all, just the ones needed.

and then.

after you partitioned your new disk, you just say: (for example)
mke2fs /dev/hdb5

which is the first secondary partition resides in the fourth
primary partition.

mkdir /dosfs
mkdir /Linuxfs

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /dosfs
mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb5 /Linuxfs
cp -rp /dosfs/RedHadLinuxDistribution/* /Linuxfs

After all you should be able to see the following things under
/Linuxfs by giving ls -l /Linuxfs command.

21 -r--r--r--   1 min      wheel        19686 May 27  1997 COPYING
   3 -r--r--r--   1 min      wheel         3020 Nov 10 14:25 README
   3 -r--r--r--   1 min      wheel         2751 Sep 19  1997 RPM-PGP-KEY
   1 drwxr-xr-x   5 min      wheel         1024 Dec  5 13:12 RedHat
  12 drwxr-xr-x   2 min      wheel        12288 Dec 15 17:08 SRPMS
   1 drwxr-xr-x   5 min      wheel         1024 Dec  5 13:04 doc
   1 drwxr-xr-x   4 min      wheel         1024 Dec  5 13:03 dosutils
   1 drwxr-xr-x   2 min      wheel         1024 Dec 15 17:24 images
   1 drwxr-xr-x   4 min      wheel         1024 Dec  5 13:02 misc

If you don't then chech your path.
Now you can,
umount /Linuxfs
umount /dosfs
And restart the installation and select from "hard disk", device of /dev/hdb5
and directory of /.

It will work.


NT=No Thanks, WWW=World Wide Wait
Does PnP mean "Plug and Pray"?
