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  2.李璞主编。医学遗传学。(第二版),北京: 人民卫生出版社,1993年。





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  9.Emery, AEH&Muller RF.Elements of Medical Genetics, 8th ed. Churchill Livingstone,1992

  10.Gelehrter TD& Collins FG.Principles of Medical Genetics, Williams& Wilkins,1990

  11.Lewin b. Genes, 5th ed. John Wildy & Sons, 1994

  12.McKusick VA. Mendelian Inheritance in Man,10th ed 。1993

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  14.Robinson A&Linden MG: Clinical Genetics: Handbook, 2.nd 1993

  15.Scriver CR et al. The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill.1989

  16.Scriver WE. Mc Innes RR. Willard HF. Genetics in Medicine .5th ed.Saunders Company.1991

  17.Trent RJ. Molecular Medicine, An Introductory Text for Students,Churchill livingstone,1993

  18.Weatherall DJ. The New Genetics and Clinical Practice, 3rd 1991

  19.White B el al. PCR protocols. Humann Press, 1993

  20. Wyngarden, Smith & Bennett. Part V, Principles of Human Genetics, from Cecil Textbook of Medicine,19 ed.Saunders Co.Philadelphia 1992.